Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yahooooo! September 2013

It's the start of a new month which obviously means it's time to look back at the previous month - September 2013 - and recap the errors that the Yahoo! Canada homepage displayed to its readers. These might not be all of the errors, but they are the ones that I saw. First, on September 3 there was a her twofer. Then,

on September 7 there were hyphens in what should have been 36 years old. Then,

on September 22 this would have worked much better without the the before most. Then,

on September 23 there was a misspelling of relationship. With online dictionaries and spell checkers so easily accessible, there is no reason for nonwords to still get displayed online. On a homepage, too. Sheesh. Finally,

also on September 23, that apostrophe on the end of actress should not have been there. That's all for this month last month. Click an image to enlarge it.

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