Me don't want to be learned by people can't promote theirselves in good way.
I found it odd that the couple in their mid-60s had a four-year-old daughter, but then in the next sentence it's revealed the four-year-old had a husband. Seems like the four-year-old wasn't actually a four-year-old, was she? Unless she was born on February 29, and she was four but really sixteen and had married young. But another source has the four-year-old as a forty-one-year-old, so factual error it is.
Well, okay. Sure. Singer has an -er ending, so of course it goes to follow that...
If they came to Canada then they chose B.C., but if they come to Canada then they choose B.C.
Six friends were all sharing one cigarette? Those empty wallets probably disappointed the robbers. You know, cuz if they're all sharing one cigarette then they can't have much money. Or maybe, just maybe, six friends were each having a cigarette.